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What Kind Of Funeral Services Are There For Cremation?

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The interesting thing about holding a service for a cremated loved one is that it introduces a lot of flexibility into the situation. The logistics of transporting a whole body have been more or less eradicated, for example, and cremated remains will hold more or less indefinitely if you and your family need to take time to gather together. 

Of course, you can still have a very formal service. Some religions do have strong beliefs about cremation, so if you want a religious service for your loved one, you may need to talk to their religious leader about how they feel about it. It will vary from church to church in some places, but many churches will do a service for you or your loved one even if they are opposed to cremation from a religious standpoint. 

But if you don't want that, you can have about any type of memorial service you like. You can have a full-on party or just a quiet gathering of friends; you can even go on a bar crawl carting an urn — though perhaps the designated driver can also be in charge of keeping track of the urn. Some of these things can't be done right away due to current events, but again, the flexibility of cremation allows for waiting when the time is right to pursue the kind of service needed. 

Most funeral homes are more than willing to work with you to find the type of service that is right for you and your family. And with cremated remains, you can actually hold more than one service if you need to meet the needs of large groups of people or if there is a family split or so on. There are all kinds of reasons you may need to do more than one service. A more formal one may be needed to satisfy the stricter family members, while you can hold a more relaxed one for everybody else. 

There are many ways to hold a service. If you have a specific one in mind for yourself, the kindest thing you can do for your loved ones is to express it clearly, preferably in a will, and explain it to the people who might have to enact your plan. It's kind of awkward to talk about — and no less so for the recipients of the talk than you — but it's worthwhile.

To learn more, contact a facility that offers cremation funeral services.
